Friday, March 26, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

April 2010 Meeting Minutes

San Juanillo Estates Homeowners Association
Organizational Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2010
The first meeting of San Juanillo Estates lot owners and Nosara Patas Pequenas
was held on February 7,2010 at Andre’s Pizza Palace in Brigantine, NJ for the
purpose of organizing a Homeowners Association and discussing the status of
the subdivision and owners group.
The following people were present:
Kurt Becker
Bryan Brillhart
Sandy Brillhart
Andre Cassara
Bob Demos
Michael Fitzgerald
David Morgan
B. Morgan
Bob Munro
Joe Musemeci
Monique Rijkse
Bob Munro, Nosara Patas Pequenas, gave a brief presentation showing the
current condition of a typical lot and roads in San Juanillo Estates as well as
the improvements that have been made to date, including the well house and
electric lines. He explained that trees on the lots are becoming large and
suggested that they be cleared in the next several months because Costa Rica
prohibits removal of trees over 3” in diameter and because it is much more
expensive to remove larger trees. He also described the water permitting
process and types of septic systems that could be utilized, as well as the status
of the existing 4 wells. Wells #1 and #2 were described by Bob Munro as
“okay”, well #3 pumped at 2.8 liters per second; well # 4 was described as
“no good”. Bob Munro stated that for development like ours, the recommend
output is 1 liter per second for every 50 units.
Bob Munro then presented a budget that projected 2010 expenses of
$12,920. Expenses included the caretaker’s salary, insurance and phone;
utilities, taxes, repairs and maintenance (excavation and clearing) and
property management fees. He explained that Nosara Patas Pequenas was
imposing an annual maintenance fee of $480 per lot, a one time assessment
and $100 per lot to cover the annual expenses and individual lot clearing. As
of the meeting date, seven lot owners paid these fees. Bob Munro said that
Monique Rijske has been serving as property manager and set up a
Quickbooks account to keep track of income and expenditures.
The property owners agreed that fees for the unsold lots should be paid for by
Nosara Patas Pequenas. Owners also agreed that payment of approximately
$9,000 for Costa Rican environmental certification that is required before
building can occur is the responsibility of Nosara Patas Pequenas and
requested a promissory note from them that this money would be appropriated
for this purpose. Lot owners expressed a desire for monies from the next sale
or sales of lots in SJE to be kept in Costa Rica for the developers’ obligations.
There was consensus that a Homeowners Association should be formed to
manage the community going forward. Nominees for Officers were made
and the following slate of candidates was unanimously elected by those
present: President, Kurt Becker; Vice President, Bryan Brillhart; Secretary,
Sandra Brillhart; Treasurer, Jim Bowdler.
There was consensus that marketing materials were necessary to sell the
remaining lots. Several strategies were discussed, including virtual tours, a
blog and print materials. In addition, the owners requested that Nosara Patas
Pequenas provide a list of the selling prices of all unsold lots as well as any
existing topographics , attributes of the lot, and a utilities map.
The owners expressed concern about the unresponsiveness of Glen Auwarter,
of Nosara Patas Pequenas. The President agreed to try to contact him and
urge him to attend the next meeting.
There was a brief discussion about some of the conditions of the proposed
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions presented by Nosara Patas Pequenas,
but action was deferred until the next meeting. Owners were encouraged to
read the documents carefully and bring suggested revisions to the next
meeting. Bob Munro explained that the final document would be filed with
the municipal government.
The attendees discussed security and whether gates at both access points to the
property were necessary. Bob Munro will provide price quotes at the next
The owners proposed and discussed possible incentives to encourage owners
to build. The ideas included providing a free lot to a group of owners who
build three houses on three lots; allowing several owners to build a house for
rental or shared ownership and having Patas Pequenas finance the purchase of
lots. The lot owners suggested a 10% commission for anyone who sold a lot
and Bob Demos and Bob Munro of Nosara Patas Pequenas both said this was
There was a brief discussion as to the status of closing on several lots. Bob
Munro said he’d follow up with Ricardo Cordero, the attorney in Costa Rica
who handles closings for NPP.
The next meeting will be in April at Bob Demos’ office. The President will
advise the owners of the date, time and agenda.
Following a group photo, the meeting was adjourned.San Juanillo Estates Homeowners Association