Hello All – I hope and trust that this email will reach you well. We are rapidly approaching the 2012 year and thus need to accomplish quite a bit in order to move the HOA, as well as the SJE Development as a whole, forward. A lot of great things have happened to SJE during the past year.
2011 saw a budget short fall of approximately $5600.00. This was mainly due to repairs and maintenance focused on our water system. Water is our single largest priority for the remainder of the year and for what I foresee into next year. As we were unable to reach 100% HOA funding (two lot owners have not paid 2011 and one lot has not paid 2010 or 2011), we are obligated to assume the short fall. Rolling it into the 2012 budget, including a lot cleaning fee and the base dues previously established, a yearly HOA Due of $755.00 is being proposed for 2012. Attached please see purposed 2012 budget.
It is important that you place vote for the proposed budget ASAP. You can vote YES or NO and your vote is due no later than 12/16/2011. Please email your vote to my attention. No response by 12/16/2011 will be considered a non-vote and will not be counted, either way. You are allowed one vote, per lot owned.
We are proposing that we have a final year end meeting on Saturday, 12/17/2011 @ 1:00 PM. We will determine a place and email you two weeks prior, along with a complete meeting agenda. An (800) call-in number will also be emailed, for those who want to attend but can not make the physical meeting.
The meeting will hopefully answer any of your questions and concerns, (as well as) review aspects of the 2011 and 2012 budgets. Focus will be placed on 1) Water, 2) Security/Caretaker, 3) Basic infrastructure and maintenance, 4) HOA/Administrator/Project Management, 5) HOA Board Transition (new nominations are needed for V.P. and Secretary), 6) Basic SJE news and status. Again, a formal agenda with more detail will be emailed to you two weeks prior to the meeting.
There are obviously a number of questions, concerns and updates that will be addressed, other than those I have listed above. Quite a few of you have contacted me throughout the year and I have tried my best to fit your issues into the above 6 points. I am sure some of you have more issues, questions or concerns and I encourage you to continue to send them my way. I will address or answer them the best I can. Please also keep notes for anything you want discussed during the meeting.
Thanks for choosing to be a part of this. It is ensuring that the integrity of our investment remains strong during the uncertain real estate market.
All my best, Kurt